Just Peachy Jam:

Tis the season to be Jammy and Peaches are the perfect ingredient.  It’s peach season here in the Midwest and we have an abundant crop this year.  The farmer’s markets are filled with juicy Red Havens just waiting to top ice cream or waffles or shortcake or to mix-it up in muffins or coffee cake or to be enjoyed all by themselves, one sweet bite after another.

The sad fact is – my Red Havens won’t last forever so steps must be taken to save them for a special treat next month or in frigid February.  

Peaches freeze well – wash, peel, slice, add lemon juice and seal tight and you’ll have a great addition to a smoothie.  Or, make some Peachy Jam to freeze or share with people you like to sweeten their morning toast.  (Don’t waste this jam on cranky people.  It will undoubtedly adjust their attitude but the next day they’ll be cranky again.)

So pick the best peaches in the bushel, give them time to ripen so they’re just a bit soft, and get out a pot, some lemon and sugar, and jam it up.


6–7 large peaches

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons fresh lemon zest

1-1/3 cup granulated sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar


1. Peel peaches, cut in half, pit and dice.  (TIP:  Boil water in pot to cover peaches, place peaches in for one minute then run cold water over peaches.  Skins will slip off easily.)

2. Put diced peaches in medium sauce pan, add lemon zest, sugar – white and brown – and lemon juice.  Stir and cook over high heat to boil for one minute – continue stirring.  Reduce heat and cook for additional 8 to 10 minutes, stirring continually, until liquid reduces and jam begins to thicken.  

3. If jam is too chunky, use potato masher to break up pieces.

4. If jam doesn’t thicken as desired, stir one teaspoon of cornstarch into small amount of water (less than ¼ cup).  Reduce heat to simmer and drizzle in cornstarch mixture stirring for about 30 seconds.  Jam will thicken to desired consistency.

5. Cool.  Transfer to jars and allow to fully cool before covering.

6. Jam will stay fresh in refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks, in freezer for months.

Just Peaches, lemon, white & brown sugar for an easy jam

Just Peaches, lemon, white & brown sugar for an easy jam


Peaches & Cream Cake


Carrot Cake Cupcakes